Monday, May 27, 2019

Some preparations

This first week of April, we worked on a few things to prepare for June. Thanks to the blessings of extended family, Caroline's casket will be hand-made by her Grandpa Schmitt, Great Uncle Peter and Uncle Mike. We can't express how much their offer to hand-make such a special gift for Caroline meant to us. The love they have for her is so real. One thing is certain, people's love for our daughter far exceeds what could fit in her time here with us.  What an incredible testament of compassion from a loving Grandpa.

On Tuesday, Jessica had another check-in with Mt. Carmel's MFM, but this time our friend Norah (and Caroline's godmother) joined to see the ultrasound. It was so special for Norah to be apart of this visit and experience her goddaughter thriving on the screen.  Caroline was practicing breathing the entire time - something rare at this stage, as most babies practice only a few breaths, then take a break. The doctors said this was a good sign for an indication of lung development. Also, on a positive note, her bladder was visible again, and there was actually slightly more fluid. One slightly shocking realization was that  Caroline's kidneys measured about the same size as Jessica's.  We knew they were enlarged but this gave us a visual of the scope of her condition--between 9-10 cm.

Jessica and Norah followed that visit with some amazing emotional strength, and completed the tough task of purchasing a burial outfit. Norah's support and kindness were true gifts that made an impossible task bearable.  It's a beautiful white gown that again, we're hoping God gives us the chance to use it for something else instead. When he saw the dress, Tom's feelings were both happy at how beautiful it was for Caroline, and sad as he thought of all the dresses that she wouldn't get to wear as she grew up, from ones for daddy-daughter dances, first communion/confirmation dresses, a prom gown or two, dresses for graduations, and a wedding dress - and all the events/growth that each represented.  Regardless, there is some small comfort in knowing that when the time comes, Caroline will be beautiful, and the dress will match.  It is also comforting to have it prepared in advance so that time comes we can solely focus on her and our family.

Thursday morning was one of the hardest experiences in all of this. We had a morning appointment at the cemetery to finalize some plans, including the specific site, and design of the grave stone. We're amazed again by people we met on this journey - hearing the cemetery staff's stories of God's interactions and blessings, and sharing our hope that they don't ever have place the order. It's all such a reaffirmation of the value of life itself - life as the most fundamental aspect of being human.

Thursday night we came home to catch up, and to get ready to start the Novena to Blessed Margaret with all of our prayer warriors.  It begins on Friday.

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