In the middle of April, the world watched the fire destroy Notre Dame in Paris. Yet we were focused on our own home, and engaging our children with the reality of what is to come.
On the last day of the novena, we could already see the prayers taking hold in our children. We were in the car driving home from St. Patrick's when Jane started talking about our friends' family. A few years ago their son, Samuel, died suddenly when he was only a few months old. Jane started asking whether we knew about Samuel - and that their family has a son/brother in heaven. We said we did and the conversation moved on to other topics.
That night, while tucking Jane in to bed, she asked Tom "if Caroline is born healthy, will Blessed Margaret become a saint?" Tom said that yes, and that is what we are hoping will happen. But Tom went on to say that if Caroline goes straight to heaven, God will give a miracle to someone else, and then Blessed Margaret could become a saint. Jane thought, and then stated that maybe it would be better if Caroline went straight to heaven. Tom struggled with the adult pains of knowing reality, but trusted God had a plan. The only words he could utter were to ask Jane why she thought that. Jane said because Caroline would get to grow up with God. She'd be a little older when we got to heaven to see her, but she'd grow up with Him and that would be better for Caroline. Tom just sat there for a moment before kissing Jane goodnight. What a gift to have such a strong faith at 6 years old-he was truly in awe of her insight and saw wisdom far beyond her years. Maybe Jane....just maybe.
The following Monday, while Jane was at school, Jessica was sitting with Edward at the kitchen table. After Jane's powerful conversation over the weekend, Jessica wanted to check that Edward had a similar awareness of Caroline's (most likely) terminal condition. Jessica brought up our friends and baby Samuel, saying that they had a little boy who went to live with Jesus in heaven when he was a little baby. Edward pondered the comment, and said "So Samuel went to live with Jesus in heaven right after he was born? Jessica said "Yes, he did and he is now looking down on his family from Heaven but is growing up with Jesus." Edward stared for a moment at the Legos in his hands, looked up at Jessica and said "Wow, Mommy! I wish that would have happened to me when I was a baby!" And just like that, he jumped under the table and continued to play. To him it was simple: to live with Jesus in heaven was the best possible thing that could happen to a person. At that moment Jessica realized how much she could learn from her 4 year old boy - a boy who loved Jesus so much that he couldn't wait to see Him one day in Heaven. Edward was so little but his faith was so big.
Tom - Will you be sad if Caroline goes straight to heaven?
Jane - Yes and No
T - Yes, because you'll miss her?
J - (head nod)
T - But why won't you be sad?
J - Because she'll with God, and they'll get our place in heaven ready for us.
T - Yes she will be there to meet us
J - And she'll work with God to make heaven bigger
T - Yes, she'll certainly make heaven bigger. Jane, I love you.
J - I know daddy, and guess what else?
D - What?
J - I'm really excited that you have a basketball. :-)
As we sat down to capture these stories, a bible verse jumped out at both of us: "unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3). Until now, we never fully understood that passage's true and full meaning. We praise God for our children who, in these past few weeks, gave us this wisdom and understanding. May all of us be blessed with this childlike faith.
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